Polish National Curriculum Exams

Year 8 National Tests 2024

Below we present the results of PBA, Masovian Voivodeship and Warsaw

YEAR 8 NATIONAL TEST (average %)
Polish Maths English
PBAW 83 79,74 97,4
Standard sheets (no foreigners and accommodations) 81,9 78,77 97,4
Mazovian voivodeship 65,66 57,41 71,98
Warsaw 70,93 66,49 82,4

Year 8 National Tests 2023

Below we present the results of PBAW, Warsaw and Poland

YEAR 8 NATIONAL TEST (average %)
Polish Maths English
PBAW (Standard sheets) 76 76 95
Poland 66 53 66
Warsaw 73 66,97 81


Year 8 National Tests 2022

Below we present the results of PBAW, Masovian Voivodeship and Poland

Polish Maths English
average % median average % median average % median
8PK 71,27 71 85,6 96 98,27 100
8KL 73,24 71 76,47 88 98,18 98
PBAW 72,31 71 80,75 88 98,22 98
64 62 72
POLAND 60 57 67


Year 8 National Tests 2021

Below we present the results of PBAW, Warsaw and Poland

YEAR 8 NATIONAL TEST (average %)
Polish Maths English
PBAW 65 59 96,8
Standard sheets (no foreigners and accommodations) 67 67 97
Poland 60 47 66
Warsaw 69 62 83

Year 8 National Tests 2020

Below we present the results of PBAW, Warsaw and Poland

YEAR 8 NATIONAL TEST (average %)
Polish Maths English
PBAW 74 63 91
Poland 59 46 54
Warsaw 63 53 64